WUMAN - Netzwerktreffen mit Lina Spagert auf Englisch | 28.02.2024

The first WUMAN - Netzwerktreffen event of the 2024 with Lina Spagert on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 12:00 - 13:30.

The theme of this networking event is "Hidden obstacles: Why it is doubly important to have visible female scientists." We are pleased to announce that our inspirational speaker, Lina Spagert, has accepted our invitation to the event and will give us insight into her career and the visibility of female scientists in academia. This time, we ask her and you: What is the visibility of female scientists, why is it so important and valuable, and what can we do to increase this visibility?

Register for the event free of charge via Zoomhttps://eu01web.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5MqdemprzMvG9NmvYf5C6i216wYpoir3te7 (Please note that the Event will be held in English!)

Copyright: WUMANetzwerk - Feministisches Wissenschaftsnetzwerk