25th International Summer School | Christina Dinar referiert zu Digital Streetwork

25th International Summer School (1.-7. Juli 2023) Digitalization in Fields of Social Work and Health Promotion

Im Rahmen der 25. International Summer School "Digitalization in Fields of Social Work and Health Promotion" hält KHSB-Promovendin, Christina Dinar, am 5. Juli von 15-16.30 Uhr einen Vortrag zur "Digital Streetwork".


In this lecture, the concept of Digital Streetwork will be illuminated. Digital Streetwork is social work in digital spaces. It combines traditional street work methods with online platforms to reach young people. Counseling and preventative work are at the forefront. It is a central field of work in modern social work.

  • 05.07.2023
  • 15-16.30 Uhr
  • in der KHSB (S 102)

Studierende und Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.


Fields Visit

The Europe Institute for Social and Health Research in Berlin proudly presents the preliminary program of this year‘s International Summer School. Under the headline “Digitalization in Fields of Social Work and Health Promotion”, we would like to invite you - BA and MA students and professional of social work, childhood education and health care - to share your experiences and thoughts on the current topic. Through interesting workshops about the main topic you get the chance to link practice and theory in a more diverse way, and with people from all over Europe, maybe even from all around the globe. Organized by students for students (and professionals) this year’s summer school will have an international focus. Professionals from different countries all over the world give you the chance to dig deeper into questions concerning Digitalization in Fields of Social
Work and Health Promotion.

Christina Dinars Tätigkeiten als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der KHSB (75%FTE) werden mit den Mitteln des Berliner Programms zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre (BCP) finanziert.

Ausschnitt Flyer: © freepik.com, flaticon.com